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Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies

Pink Eye Treatment

How long does pink eye last?

Most pink eye (also known as conjunctivitis) will go away on its own in a week or two. You can make that time more comfortable by trying the remedies described below at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies.

Should I call my doctor or treat pink eye at home?

Sometimes you need to see a doctor for pink eye. It depends on what kind of pink eye you have and how bad it is. See your ophthalmologist right away if at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies:

Pink eye is a common cause of school absences and can spread quickly in schools. Make sure your kids know how to keep from getting pink eye and other infections.

What home remedy gets rid of pink eye fast?

In your rush to get rid of pink eye as quickly as possible, be cautious about trying unproven remedies from untrustworthy sources around the internet. Here are the safest and most effective steps to take at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies:

Bacterial and viral pink eye home remedies

You may have bacterial, viral, or allergic pink eye if one or both of your eyes are red and painful. In certain cases, determining the type of pink eye you have is simple, but in other cases, only a physician can determine the cause of the issue at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies.

To reduce the symptoms of bacterial or viral pink eye you can:

If your eyelids are sticking together, a warm washcloth can loosen the dried mucus so you can open your eyes.

Allergic pinkeye home remedies

If your conjunctivitis is caused by allergies, stopping the source of the allergy is important. Allergic pink eye will continue as long as you’re in contact with whatever is causing it at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies.

Allergic pink eye is not contagious. You can still go to work or school with allergic conjunctivitis and no one else will catch it. To reduce the symptoms of allergic pink eye you can:

Video: How to Insert Eyedrops

Can Visine be used for pink eye?

No! Whatever kind of pink eye you have, don’t use red-reducing eye drops, like Visine. These kinds of eye drops may be very uncomfortable if you have an infection. They also could make your symptoms worse at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies.

Viral and bacterial pink eye can spread very easily—as easily as the common cold. If you have an infection in just one eye, be careful not to spread it to the other eye. And be careful not to spread the infection in public, either.

Home remedies and pink eye prevention

Basic hygiene is enough to keep from spreading the infection to other people or your other eye.

Can I use breast milk for pink eye?

Breastmilk could be more harmful than helpful for pink eye. One of the few studies on whether breast milk can fight infections found that it didn’t cure the most common causes of pink eye — and worse, breastmilk can introduce new bacteria into the eye and cause serious infection at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies.

Eye infections in young children can be very serious—even blinding. Don’t delay seeing a doctor and don’t rely only on folk remedies.

There is lots of bad advice about pink eye on the internet. Never put anything in your eye that isn’t approved by a doctor at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies. Foods and herbal extracts are not sterile and can make eye conditions much worse. Bloggers who recommend breast milk for pink eye say that substances in breast milk can cure infection and soothe inflammation. But there is no evidence that this helps.

Measles and pink eye

Because measles is making a comeback among unvaccinated children, it’s important to know that pink eye can be a symptom of measles. Pink eye can show up before a measles rash or at the same time. Ask these questions about whether pink eye may be a sign of measles at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies:

  1. Is there a reported outbreak of measles in the area?
  2. Has the child been vaccinated for measles? If so, then measles conjunctivitis is very
  3. Are there other measles symptoms, like a red, blotchy rash or a high fever (above 104 degrees Farenheit/40 Celsius)? Note that other kinds of pink eye can also cause fever, especially in children. So a mild fever, or fever by itself, isn’t necessarily a sign of measles at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies.
  4. Is the child sensitive to regular, indoor light? Light-sensitivity is more likely to be a sign of measles-related pink eye. Sensitivity to indoor light is alwaysa sign of a serious eye condition, usually involving sight-threatening damage to the cornea. You should see an ophthalmologist, not just a primary care doctor or pediatrician at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies.

If you think you or a loved one may have measles-related pink eye, see an ophthalmologist right away and make sure they report it to local health authorities at Pink Eye Treatment: Fast and Natural Home Remedies. In some cases, measles can damage the cornea, retina or optic nerve and result in vision loss or blindness.

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